Jakarta Globe, PutriPrameshwari & Ulma Haryanto | August 19, 2010
Jakarta.In a response to several sexual harassment cases on the capital’s TransJakartabus routes, state rail company Kereta Api launched the country’s firstwomen-only train car on Thursday.
Fittedout with pink seats, the train cars will initially be available for Depok-boundtrains in the Greater Jakarta area, an official from Kereta Api has said.
“Onefemale officer will guard each carriage. We want to protect women from becomingvictims of sexual harassment,” said Makmur Syaheran, corporate secretary forKereta Api Commuter Jabodetabek.
He addedthat the operator expected demand to be brisk for the segregated cars becausemore than half of all passengers on commuter trains serving Greater Jakartawere female.
“Fornow, it will only be available for passengers of executive class trains,”Makmur said, adding that women on economy class trains would have to make dowith compartments that housed hundreds of passengers crammed shoulder toshoulder.
Theoperator eventually hopes to have two women-only cars available for each train.
“We wantto prevent sexual harassment cases from happening on public transportation, ashas occurred on several occasions on the TransJakarta busway,” Makmur said.
But whenasked about possible punishments against male passengers who boarded the newwomen-only cars, Makmur said there were none.
“Theywill be embarrassed anyway, since there are clear signs stating that they arewomen-only cars,” he said.
In atleast three previous sexual harassment cases on the busway, the suspects hadalledgedly continued to grope the victims even after they had moved away orshowed clear signs of discomfort or distress.
NinikRahayu, deputy chairwoman of the National Commission on Violence Against Women,said she supported the initiative so long as the government also instituted along-term plan to combat sexual harassment.
“Even upuntil now, security and law enforcement cannot assure the safety of women inpublic spaces. Having a women-only carriage is just an initial step in protectingwomen from sexual harassment,” she said.
ButNinik also said there was a need for increased education and public awarenessabout the damage that sexual harassment could inflict on its victims.
“Becausewe can’t just segregate everything. So I see this as a short-term solution,”she said. “I hope that the government has a clear mandate on this matter.”
HuznaZahir, chairwoman of the Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation (YLKI),agreed with Ninik.
“This isa temporary solution given to women who really feel cornered and insecure. It’snot meant to discriminate against women,” she said.
Huznaalso called for more common sense in planning to minimize the risks that womenencountered on the country’s crumbling public transportation networks, “forinstance by increasing the number of cars.”
“But ifit is going to be applied at all, then the procedures, information andsanctions, should be clear to everybody,” she added.
GreaterJakarta commuter trains currently serve routes linking Jakarta with outlyingcities Serpong, Tangerang, Bogor, Depok and Bekasi. Major stations in the cityinclude Palmerah in West Jakarta; Tanah Abang in Central Jakarta; and Sudirmanand Manggarai in South Jakarta.
The150-kilometers of train line also includes a city loop that stops at stationsincluding Jatinegara in East Jakarta; Tanah Abang, Pasar Senen and KampungAmbon in Central Jakarta; and Sudirman and Manggarai in South Jakarta.
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