Matthew Ward
With loving
greeting from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Happenings during the
past months have prompted numerous lightworkers to ask and many others to
ponder: Why is the free will of people who do terrible things given priority
over the free will of people who don’t want to be terrorized or killed?
family, never has priority been given to anyone, nor could it ever be. Rulers
of the universes are bound to honor Creator’s gift of free will to everysoul,
and God incorporated that edict in the laws that govern life in this universe.
Like everything else in existence, the laws are energy and energy has no
reasoning ability, no capacity for prioritizing or decision-making about
anything whatsoever. All energy can do is vibrate at one frequency or another
in accordance with how it is used, and in our explanation, it is how people who
live on Earth use it.
The orderly
functioning of the universe requires a continuous balancing act to keep vibrational
frequencies from becoming lopsided, so to say; and as microcosms of the
universe who in every moment affect the state of it, souls have their own
balancing acts. Prior to birth, they—or better said, all of us!—enter into
agreements with other souls, and within the agreements are all of the
participants’ individual contracts that include whatever they need to balance
other lifetimes. That “whatever” is karma.
because Creator decreed that free will takes precedence overall, everything in
the contracts—that there even is a contract—must be forgotten when souls
embody. Actually, this is a good arrangement—otherwise every lifetime would be
merely following some schedule instead of freely making decisions and learning
from the results. And, guidance in line with contracts is permitted via the
soul’s messages to the consciousness, but everyone has the free will to heed
that guidance or stray far afield. Either way, souls incur karma and it is
neither “good” nor “bad”—it is the means whereby the last lifetime can be
balanced in the next one by completing the karma, or karmic lessons, in the
soul contract.
events end lives before contracts can be completed. Such was the case in two
recent occurrences, and we shall share with you what we learned about them from
colleagues in Nirvana. Of the 150 persons aboard Germanwings Flight 9525, only
three had reached the window of flexibility in their contracts’ longevity
clause—that is, those individuals had completed their selection of karmic lessons,
missions and other experiences, and they would have transitioned to spirit life
in some manner within days or weeks.
arriving in Nirvana, every person was lovingly received and greeted by name,
etheric bodies were strengthened, and tender, customized care was given to
treat all psychic trauma that occurred at anytime prior to the crash.
Throughout the healing period, members of the medical team in the soul
transition field were in constant attendance.
As these
recent arrivals became ready to join others in your spirit world, each was
given choices of residence and diverse activities, and all who had not
completed their contracts also were offered three options. Finish karmic
lessons in Nirvana, where living and learning is far more joyous than on Earth.
Receive full credit for lessons partially learned and, in a new agreement with
other souls, embody relatively quickly to wind up the rest of the original
contract and add whatever is desired in the new lifetime. The third option is,
in an agreement with someone on Earth, arrange for a soul transference, or
“walk-in”—the advantage is “saving” years by entering an adult body instead of
a newborn’s, but because there are serious challenges, too, rarely is this a
soul’s choice.
We want to
speak about another aspect of the plane crash. The consensus of your analysts
is that the co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, planned to commit suicide by deliberately
crashing the plane, disregarding the lives of all others on board. That is not
so, according to the medical team giving personalized care to treat Andreas’
traumatized psyche, which is recovering slowly due to his depth of despair when
he learned what had happened.
What was
used as evidence to substantiate the consensus was the young man’s determined
efforts to overcome his emotional fragility, including Internet information he
felt he could use in positive ways to fortify healthy thought processes
especially during flights. Moments after the pilot left the cockpit, Andreas’
consciousness snapped—he has no memory of that instant or what transpired
afterwards. If this could be known, although it would not console those who
love the people who went down with the plane, it could give some peace of mind
and heart to Andreas’ family and friends. We should add that he was not one of
the three persons who had completed their contracts.
The second
occurrence is the massacre at a Kenyan university by al-Shabaab terrorists,
where almost the same number of lives were lost as in the plane crash. However,
none of the contracts of persons who died in the university carnage contained a
lifespan that would end at that time, and all have the same aforementioned
three options. We wish everyone could know the loving reception and personalized
care given every person whose life was ended then, but their families and dear
friends know only the heartbreak of shocking loss and your world reels from
barbaric behavior that is incomprehensible.
Some of the
survivors’ contracts include a “traumatic, nonlethal experience” with
flexibility as to the type and timing—enduring what took place at the
university fulfills that provision. Survivors who didn’t need that experience
for balance may put it in safekeeping, in a way, for “credit” in a different lifetime
or give it to someone in the agreement group whose struggle with karmic lessons
was more difficult than anticipated; in either case, the survivor’s desire
would propel an energy streamer in the appropriate direction. If survivors
whose wounds have life-changing results outside their contracts, amendments
will be made at soul level to provide other experiences that will make their
lives as meaningful and fulfilling as they had chosen.
Because the
perpetrators of the attack far exceeded their contract provisions that would
have balanced previous experiences, they incurred karma that could require
several lifetimes before balance is achieved. In Nirvana, just as on Earth,
ever-heightening vibrations would energetically bar psychic and cellular
patterning with karma of that severity; when those persons die, their lifetime
energy automatically will draw them to the spirit world of some low third
density civilization and their next incarnation will be in that population.
There is
another aspect of pre-birth agreements, which are designed for the spiritual
and conscious growth of all participants in the shared lifetime: When one
person’s life ends prior to contract completion, it affects all others in the
group beyond profound emotions. For adults this can include the spouse,
children, parents, siblings, other relatives, friends, colleagues, everyone
else with whom the person had close bonds and those with whom bonds would have
developed in later years. When a “premature” transition happens to a child, in
addition to family there can be classmates, teachers and friends as well as all
others who would have become important in that youngster’s life throughout the
chosen lifespan. The contracts of every person who had or would have had a
significant role in the lifetime that was cut short must be amended to provide
all of those individuals with equivalent opportunities to complete their karmic
lessons. The original and subsequent matching-up of souls happens in the
continuum, where everything is happening simultaneously.
part in an agreement is important; however, individuals’ contracts and their
purpose can vary considerably. For instance, one soul can agree to be the
“captain,” so to say, to give other participants the opportunity to strengthen
their weaknesses in one or more areas that this soul has mastered such as
patience, generosity, humility, forgiveness, compassion, self-discipline,
honesty, kindness, wise parenting, industriousness. In these cases, the
“captain” serves the others not by criticizing their shortcomings, but by
exemplifying admirable attitudes and behavior that the others may be inspired
to emulate.
Or, a soul
can agree to exhibit characteristics that are undesirable, perhaps jealousy,
uncontrolled anger, self-centeredness, laziness, arrogance, stinginess,
resentfulness or untrustworthiness. If by observing that person’s hurtful,
offensive or counterproductive behavior the others in the agreement learn not
tobehave in those ways, they can balance other lifetimes wherein one or more of
those traits were dominant.
If an
individual is to become widely known and respected, the “captain-team”
arrangement can be reversed and include a small number of participants whose
values, accomplishments, encouragement and assistance are strong incentives for
the designated individual to adhere to high standards, persevere despite
opposition and setbacks, and continue striving until noteworthy achievements
are attained. This can be the case even if the individual credits a specific
person as the source of inspiration for his or her success.
souls choose to live in impoverished circumstances to balance a lifetime of
riches and ease, with little or no interest in helping people in dire need.
When a soul
embodies in a region ravaged by war and poverty and is orphaned as a youngster
who must make his own way from then on, it can be to experience the fear and
severe hardships that had befallen children due to this soul’s actions in a
different lifetime.
A soul may
choose a brief life in a loving family in a peaceful environment to rest after
a long, tiring life of toil and to serve other purposes, too. The loss of a
child offers family members the opportunity to channel grief into meaningful
endeavors; it also can strengthen family bonds or tear them apart, whichever
the others may need for balance.
As our
examples show, agreements can contain many participants or only a few, and none
of them knows what had been agreed upon. If your conscience is comfortable with
your decisions that affect the lives of others, that is an indication that you
are acting in accordance with your contract role, but there is no way to know
if the primary people in your life are following or seriously departing from
theirs—that is why spiritual guidance is, do not judge others. Never does this
mean condoning actions you deem unjust or reprehensible, but rather that you
refrain from judging the persons.
If light
really is increasing on the planet, why is there still so much violence and
brutality? In previous messages we have said that one effect of increasing
light intensity is the magnification of human characteristics and
behavior—“good” becomes better, “bad” becomes worse. The majority of people in
your world are responding positively by being kinder, more thoughtful, generous,
cooperative, helpful and open-minded. That doesn’t make headline news, so you
don’t hear about them.
even though mainstream media’s main focus still is on individuals and organized
groups whose actions are violent and brutal, coverage is including positive
developments as well. You are hearing about innovations in renewable energy
sources and breakthroughs in medical research; citizens revitalizing their
villages, towns or cities; expanding efforts in environmental preservation and
restoration; and, occasionally, multimillionaires who are sharing their wealth
Indeed a
great deal more must be done and shall be, but please honor yourselves as we do
and celebrate with us your sterling progress to date. You who know you are
lightworkers and the many millions who also are but may not even know that word
are the vanguard of your society, the ones who are steadily moving your world
in positive directions.
Let us give
you an example of the positive and negative aspects of light’s magnification.
After years of punitive measures against Iran for its nuclear development
program, a series of talks between leaders of that country and others recently
produced a framework for a diplomatic solution, with both sides making
concessions to reach that initial stage of cooperation. Most in your world
welcomed this as a positive albeit tenuous first step, yet it was soundly
denounced by the increased negativity of individuals within Illuminati ranks or
under their influence who want this issue handled with military might. Only the
peak of the Illuminati still are holding onto the delusion that further destabilizing
the Mideast will let them gain control of that region and continue their march
toward global domination.
have asked if the following assertions are true: An asteroid is going to
destroy Earth in September. A militarized police force will round up dissidents
in the United States and incarcerate them in FEMA-operated camps. Foreign
troops have been brought in to kill Americans because US military won’t shoot
their own citizens. Many millions will drown as seas rise and inundate
coastlines far inland. The cabal is controlling peoples’ minds through
inoculations containing programmed microchips. The Illuminati will cause global
chaos by creating a hologram of invading ETs that they will claim are forces of
the anti-Christ. This or that “red flag” terrorist act will be the excuse for
imposing martial law. A dark civilization pretending to be benevolent is
surrounding planet Earth. WWIII will be started by the intentional or
accidental launch of a nuclear missile. Delivery of “prosperity packages” is
imminent. The cabal is preparing areas beneath a number of buildings to be
temporary living quarters, escape routes and/or arsenals.
Those are
samples of distorted information, uninformed opinions or skewed
interpretations, long-outdated contingency plans, long-outdated potential
land/sea changes, scare-tactic lies, or falsehoods in messages channeled by
base entities claiming to be respected light sources. And, just as not all
information on the Internet is valid, neither is everything that mediums tell
their clients. A reader wrote what a friend told her a medium had told him: The
people on earth would be transported to a very large planet that is big enough
to hold the population of the earth. It would be a trip of several weeks to
save us, because the environment on earth has become uninhabitable. It is a
friendly more advanced group who said they were offering their help for a
better, peaceful, and loving experience that sounded pleasant. The reader added
her question: “Do you know if people will be moved off planet earth in a year
ending in nine?”
We tell you
this, dear ones, because you are deluged with information, some of it shocking
or frightening, a lot of it conflicting, and we know that at times it is
difficult for you to discern what is true and what isn’t. When your thoughts
aren’t clear about an issue you feel is important, ask within for the answer,
then quiet your mind and listen to what comes from your heart and soul. God
said, “The heart is the seat of the soul,” and the soul knows the truth.
Someone who
knew that my mother’s recent trip included visiting our family in Peru asked if
extraterrestrials were involved in the disappearance of Incas from Machu Picchu
or the ancient buildings with precisely-fitting boulders that weigh as much as
a hundred tons. You may be interested in the answers.
When the
residents of Machu Picchu heard that Spanish forces had reached Cusco and were
continuing their bloody conquest downward from that high elevation, they
started building a trail down the other side of their lower Andean community;
when it was ready, they started their journey to safety and the last in line
disguised the trail’s beginning. Although that was discovered along with the
ruins, little or no connection has been made between the trail and its purpose.
accommodate the Peruvians’ desire for high, strong walls and monuments, members
of advanced civilizations living among them used teleportation, levitation and
laser technology. Similar assistance was given in other areas where mammoth
rocks also had to be transported many miles to the erection sites, for pyramids
or structures like Stonehenge and the heads on Easter Island.
The people
living in those times were grateful for the extraterrestrials’ friendship and
help. Dear ones, you have infinitely more reason to feel grateful—your
universal family saved the very life of your homeland planet about 80 years ago
and they have been helping you in vitally important ways since then. Lighted
beings throughout this universe are eagerly awaiting the day when people from
other civilizations who are in ships above you, residing among you, or living
in Inner Earth can greet you as the beloved family members you are.
LOVE and